HERMANN-Spielwaren GmbH
D-96450 Coburg-Cortendorf / Germany
founded 1920 in Sonneberg / Thuringia
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The Turning of the sewn parts


Turning MachineThe turning - but also the sewing and stuffing - of the several parts of a Teddy Bear is a typical homework job.


While the body and the head can be turned through a hole in the seam, the arms and the legs have not such a hole in the seam. So it is necessary to cut a hole in the mohair fabric of the arms and the legs on that place, where later the disc for the joint must put inside. This kind of manufacture is known by nearly no hobbyist or artist, but it is a very old and traditional kind to make a Teddy Bear. Nearly nobody knows today any more, that in former times only for the cheaper Teddy Bears of lower quality the arms and the legs were turned around through a hole in the seam, because this helps to save working time.



But the old Teddy Bear makers discovered, that the only kind to stuff the arms and the legs in perfection is, to sew the seam completely around without any hole and to stuff through a hole which is cut in the mohair fabric. So already in former times this technique was used for the more expensive Teddy Bears. Still today there exist no more perfect kind to make a traditional Teddy Bears than that, which was already discovered by the old Teddy Bear makers long before our today's time.



The next stop on our small sightseeing tour will be the Stuffing Room.



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URL: http://www.hermann.de