HERMANN-Spielwaren GmbH
Our little sightseeing tour starts in the HERMANN-Coburg Cutting-Room. Here you will find all the valuable mohair fabrics, made in old German and English weaving companies. Today HERMANN-Coburg uses more than 80 in colour and pile different mohair fabrics.
Around the walls you will see hundreds of hooks,
where all the hundreds of patterns for all the different Teddy Bears and
soft animals are hanging. Only when a limited edition is sold out, the patterns
came to the HERMANN-Coburg archive rooms, where they are waiting to be discovered
some time once again.
The fabrics of most Teddy Bears are cut by modern machines with soft band knifes by lying the wood patterns on the fabric and cutting around. HERMANN-Coburg uses these kind of machines since more than thirty years. Only the very valuable mohair fabric with long pile hairs are still today cut by hand with pairs of scissors.
To use knifes and pairs of scissors to cut the mohair fabric has a very old tradition in the old Sonneberg Teddy Bear companies. While already in former times hand-knifes were used to cut bigger quantities, the smaller quantities of higher quality mohair were cut by using pairs of scissors. The picture on the right show the cutting in the Max Hermann Teddy Bear manufacture in the thirties in Sonneberg.
The old traditional Sonneberg
Teddy Bear with a nose made of a short pile mohair has 10
different patterns (Picture left) with
altogether 20 parts (Picture right). But for Teddy
Bears with the big original Teddy Bear hump-back and for most of the new
generation Bears it is necessary to use more different patterns and parts.
The next stop on our small sightseeing tour
will be the Sewing-Room.